兔子的律動派對 x 綿綿狗的雞蛋沙鈴工作坊
Music therapy and stress relief class for active children
I personally came to Hualien to help the lively children get spiritual healing and relaxation in the music.
Location: Hualien Minglian Elementary School
Time: January 23, 2021 (10:00-11:00AM)
First of all, we start by letting children play big muscle games, so that children can release their physical strength and energy as much as possible.
Then proceed with the parent-child physical interaction with the parents, and slowly let the children feel relieved in the game.
After half an hour of musical baptism, these very lively children sang a complete song very cooperatively, and followed the rhythm of the body for an hour. After the baptism of music, the children were able to calm down and listen to the music carefully. And follow the teacher's password to do any action, the team cooperation is super good
Music is indeed full of charm. It can quickly grasp the children's concentration. After class, many children can already sing today's theme song very familiarly. It is really great.
Cooperation proposals from all walks of life are welcome
『音樂精靈工作室』今年在台北世界音樂節中,與伊朗的音樂藝術家夫婦一起合辦了一場成功的「鼓圈即興」快閃活動🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 現場來了許多愛好音樂的大人小孩們,非常開心帶領大家一起玩即興 唱歌、鼓圈遊戲。 這是一場成功的音樂推廣活動,能分享美好的音樂給周遭人,是很幸福的🌹💕😘 期待明年還有機會帶大家一起玩音樂💕🥰😊